- Welcome from Illinois Community College Board & Keynote Address: Exactly What to Ask Students to Build Learning Experiences They Love
- Harmonizing Learning: A Journey through Maslow and Bloom
- Course Navigators in Career and Technical Education Programs
- Illinois State Plan for Perkins V- Where we've been and where we're going!
- Thinking Out of the Box to Get Us All on the Same Page (This session was not recorded)
- Honor Among Thieves: The Fellowship of Thievery Roundtable on Postsecondary Perkins (This session was not recorded)
- Universal Design for Learning in Adult Education
- Amy Loyd Assistant Secretary of OCTAE
- Empower Students to Pass the GED Math Test (Even If You're Not a Math Expert)
- ConneCTEd Illinois
- Community-Engaged Learning in an ESL Learning Community
- To CBE or not to CBE? (This session was not recorded)
- Universal Design for Learning in Career and Technical Education
- Student Panel
- Improving Outcomes Through Collaboration, Outreach and Partnerships
- Flex Classrooms
- Developing an Actionable Strategic Plan that Delivers Program Success
- ICAPS Collaboration - Made Simple!
- Career Exploration: Best Practices for Engaging Students
- Connecting Students with Resources: Collaboration with CTE, Perkins, and Student Services
- Stronger Together...Supporting Teachers
- Sustainability and the "Renewable" Economy at IL Community Colleges (This session was not recorded)
- Outreach Tools to Connect Students to the Workforce (This session was not recorded)
- Can a Community Based Organization Run a Successful CDL ICAPS/IET? A Collaborative Model from Heartland Human Care Services (This session was not recorded)
- Silent Trauma Among the ESL Students
- The PATH Program After One Year
- Helping Students Stay: Retention in the Classroom
- Build It & They Will Use It: Designing Equity Consciousness Tools to Support CTE Faculty & Practitioners (This session was not recorded)
- Community College Apprenticeship Models (This session was not recorded)
- From Floundering to Flourishing: Strategies that Promote Community College Students' Mental Health and Well-Being in a Post-COVID World (This session was not recorded)
- Strengthening College and Career Pathways: Currency Options for CCPE Earners
- State Directors Panel
On-Demand Videos:
- Top Ten Tips for Modality