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Motivational Interviewing Workforce Wednesday Webinar
Wednesday 05 April 2023, 01:00pm - 02:30pm
Hits : 331
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MI is a type of conversation to help individuals make decisions, change behavior(s) and grow while increasing their intrinsic motivation to work toward reaching their goals. It can help people strengthen their commitment to change, focusing on almost any aspect of life where choice is required: health or life-style changes (diet, substance use, exercise, mental health. It also is useful to help individuals determine their willingness to comply with institutional expectations, constraints or sanctions (corrections, schools, employer demands) or make important life decisions. The conversation often moves from ambivalence and the uncertainty of how to achieve positive outcomes, which requires effort to resolve and MI provides a skillful way to help them think. It involves a collaborative rather than directive process, honoring the person’s autonomy and self-determination rather than providing advice or pushing. It helps individuals explore their capacity to change and is done with a genuine interest in their experience and perspectives. MI is an evidence-based counseling or conversational approach which begins with a required “Spirit of MI” (heartset-mindset, nonjudgmental way of being) and uses some core skills, overall tasks or processes and can involve strategies used to increase “change talk.” The workshops use experiential and interactive learning tools to help providers gain proficiency in this approach and maximize engagement and learning. Richard Rutschman, the workshop facilitator of these sessions is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers, has a doctorate in adult learning specializing in experiential learning approaches and has authored on this approach.


Location Zoom Webinar
BBM web link