Events Calendar

Considerations for Working with LGBTQIA+ Participants
Wednesday 22 March 2023, 10:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 1352
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This session is intended to discuss considerations for working with LGBTQIA+ participants. It will begin with a brief recap of language typically associated with LGBTQIA+ identity as well as the importance of and strategies for creating an affirming environment. Additionally, this session will discuss different aspects of gender-related transition and the nuances that may arise when searching for and applying for work as someone who is transgender and/or non-binary.

After attending this webinar attendees will be able to:
1. Better understand and use common language associated with LGBTQIA+ identity.
2. Better understand the importance of creating an affirming environment.
3. Better understanding of transition related to gender identity including social, legal, and medical aspects of transition.
4. Better understand the nuances of being Transgender and/or Non-Binary and applying for work.


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Location Zoom Webinar
BBM web link