Events Calendar

Commission Focus Group - Title IV - Frontline Staff and Frontline Administrators
Wednesday 15 December 2021, 10:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 425
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In September, Governor Pritzker launched the Illinois Equity & Access Workforce Commission to reimagine a 21st-century workforce system that is data-driven, centers equity and economic mobility, and boosts the state’s economy through a talent-driven competitive advantage. The charge for the Commission is to create a vision for an equitable, accessible, and effective future state workforce system grounded in an understanding of user and stakeholder experience.

In December, we are hosting a series of 90-minute focus groups to better understand the perspective and insight of practitioners working within the WIOA system. We are especially interested in your ideas about how to improve the experience of job seekers.
The information gathered in these focus groups will be synthesized and shared with the Commission and its related workgroups. To ensure confidentiality, comfort, and honesty, nothing will be attributed to individuals. The report generated will be one of the many resources the Commission will use in the development of proposed strategies.

Please join us in this exclusive opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas. Register Here

Location Zoom Meeting
BBM web link