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Events Calendar

The Digital Equity Act: New Federal Funding & What it Means for WIOA Partners
Wednesday 30 November 2022, 10:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 200
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The bipartisan infrastructure law passed by Congress in 2021 included brand-new investment of $2.75 billion to support digital skill-building and related activities via the Digital Equity Act. Get an overview of this exciting new legislation and what it means for jobseekers, adult learners, workers, and WIOA system partners. Find out how you can prepare now for the formula funding and competitive grants that Illinois will be receiving between 2023-27. Bring your questions!

After attending this webinar attendees will be able to:
- Understand the major points of the Digital Equity Act and how it relates to the WIOA system
- Know how to get engaged in State Digital Equity Planning and related activities
- Use examples of digital skills programs and services to improve access for WIOA system jobseekers and learners
- Draw on national partners to answer future questions about Digital Equity Act implementation and funding opportunities

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Location Zoom Webinar
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