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Events Calendar

PY2020 Performance & SAM Roundtable - Recap and Next Steps
Wednesday 29 June 2022, 01:00pm - 02:30pm
Hits : 4843
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This session will provide a recap of the discussions of performance Roundtables of June 21 (Central/Southern) and June 22 (Northern). These efforts are being coordinated to ensure we continue to provide opportunities for local input. Statewide partners/LWIAs thoughts, ideas, analysis and perspectives are important and essential for us to gather in order to create a sound, collaborative environment from which the performance assessment pilot, and local performance in general, can continue to evolve.

The state is at a critical time and point in working with our local partners so that everyone is on the same page as we head into upcoming local negotiations informed and confident in the process that will be developed.

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Location Zoom Webinar
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