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Events Calendar

IWIB Transportation / Distribution / Logistics Task Force Report
Wednesday 22 June 2022, 10:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 316
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The IWIB’s TDL Task Force recently finalized its report of findings and recommendations for dealing with workforce challenges faced by TDL companies. The Task Force included representatives from a variety of Illinois TDL companies and was supported by Department of Employment Security economists and labor market experts, the research team at the Northern Illinois University Center for Governmental Studies, and staff from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

The Task Force report includes an economic and labor market analysis for TDL industries and occupations, an assessment of current workforce issues and recommendations for dealing with them.

This event is an interactive virtual round table that includes:

  • An overview of current and projected TDL workforce industry and occupational data
  • A recap of Task Force findings and recommendations
  • A moderated employer panel covering workforce issues in TDL companies

Attendees will have opportunities for Q & A during the event. We encourage attendance by local workforce board staff and field staff with WIOA Core Partners and One-Stop Required Partners.

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Location Zoom Webinar
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