Events Calendar

Strategies in Addressing Program Alignment in Customer Services: the Community Resource Academy & Integrated Resource Team
Wednesday 12 August 2020, 10:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 701
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The Community Resource Academy event is designed to support the practitioners in all AJC programs in understanding the services and expertise inherent in each of their partners, as well as the benefits to each program in working together. The Integrated Resource Team strategy is designed to bring the expertise of each program to bear as determined to meet the needs of job seekers on an individual by individual basis. This practical strategy provides staff with the experiences of collaborative customer service designed at the individual level without a need for policy changes within systems. Participants in this session will receive information and resources that can support them in replication, as well as a background in how these strategies have worked in other areas of the country. These strategies have been shaped through the Disability Navigator and Disability Employment Initiatives.

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