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Building Resilient Leaders- ISELA Summer Workshops & Academics 2021
Thursday 05 August 2021, 09:00am - 02:00pm
Hits : 351
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We are living in an unprecedented time. The ability to embrace uncertainty, navigate ambiguity, and
use adversity as a tool for growth is the new leadership currency and the fastest path to resilience.
We often think of resilience as something you realize after a challenge or difficult event, but the truth
is, resilience is built in times like these. Resilient leaders have teams with higher productivity, greater
team well-being, higher levels of engagement, and better student outcomes. Fortunately, resilience
is a set of habits, skills, and behaviors that can be cultivated. Learn to proactively manage stress,
harness the power of emotional intelligence, and create a growth mindset culture so that you not
only survive challenging times but get stronger as a result.

• Utilize science-based strategies to manage stress and minimize burnout
• Leverage emotional intelligence to build a connection
• Incorporate mindfulness to break out of reactivity and think strategically
• Identify personal and professional high payoff activities
• Identify and tap into individual and team motivators


Presenter: Anne Grady 

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