Events Calendar

Physical Restraint and Time Out Requirements: Update and Summer Tasks for Administrators- ISELA Summer Workshops
Monday 14 June 2021, 01:00pm - 02:30pm
Hits : 258
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Participants may send questions to Christi Flores at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the workshop to have the attorneys answer during the session. 

This workshop will provide an update to the Physical Restraint/Time Out Regulations and identify what special and general education administrators should be focusing on this summer in order to prepare for the opening of the 2021-22 school year. In addition, a review of any current cases and legal findings will be included. The session will end with an open Question and Answer session. Participants will be able to submit questions through the registration process. 


By participating in this session, participants will be able to: 1) understand key requirements of regulations pertaining to physical restraint/time outs 2) identify key tasks to complete during this summer to prepare for the 2021-22 school year 3) seek clarification and guidance regarding regulations related to physical restraints/timeouts


Brandon K. Wright

  • Brandon K. Wright is a partner in the law firm of Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk & Miller, Ltd. in Monticello, Illinois. Brandon graduated with a B.S. in Speech Communication from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (2001), and a master’s degree in educational administration from the Department of Educational Organization and Leadership at the University of Illinois (2004). He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Illinois College of Law (2004). 

Teri Engler

  • Teri Engler is a founding partner at Engler Callaway Baasten & Sraga, LLC. For nearly
    four decades, Teri has concentrated her school law practice in the areas of special
    education/disability law and other student issues and has represented school districts
    and cooperatives throughout Illinois. She is currently a member of the IAASE’s
    Legislative Committee and Chair of the Illinois Council of School Attorneys. Teri
    has previously been an Adjunct Professor at Loyola University’s School of Law and
    Graduate School of Education, and has served as a member of the Illinois Attorney
    General’s Special Committee on Special Education, the National Louis University
    Special Education Advisory Board, and numerous other professional committees and
    organizations in the fields of law and education. She regularly lectures on special
    education and other school law topics at local, state, and national conferences,
    seminars, webinars, and training programs, and has frequently been recognized by
    Chicago Magazine as an “Illinois Super Lawyer” in the area of schools and education.

Register Here: 

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