Events Calendar

ATTA- Summer: How to Make the Most of It
Tuesday 08 June 2021, 10:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 672
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We invite you to join the team from the Autism Training and Technical Assistance (ATTA) project to learn how to help your student get the most of the summer break. Is summer always FUN? Not for some. Many individuals with or without Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can struggle without a schedule to structure their days. Schedules help promote independence while decreasing negative behaviors and anxiety. Learn how to use a less-structured summer to practice flexibility, adapting to change, and the impacts of choices. Summer is also a great time to promote independence and foster communication. Explore ways to create your own summer schedule, gain access to exciting summer activities, expand your interests, and create your own fun during this valuable webinar.

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