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ATTA- Self-Assessment and Self-Advocacy: Helping Others Speak up for Their Needs
Tuesday 09 March 2021, 10:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 22576
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Join the Autism Training and Technical Assistance (ATTA) project team for an in-depth look into our self-assessment tools. Self-advocacy is the initiative to speak on behalf of yourself and advocate for your needs. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder find this challenging, however, self-advocacy is crucial to achieving independence. Completing a self-assessment will help students discover their strengths and areas that can be challenging and might require assistance or accommodations. The short self-assessment covers key points in academics, independent living, socialization, safety, sexuality, stress, and personal insight. Each part of the self-assessment is designed to help students discover and identify their strengths and challenges for life in school and in general. The working environment self-assessment supports the transition into career training or the workforce. This assessment examines sensory details, social contexts, job tasks, physical requirements, and a work environment schedule. Upon completion of this assessment, it will become clearer what type of job is the best fit.

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