Impacting Educational Equity

Excellence in Professional Development

Helping Every Learner Succeed 

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Events Calendar

Virtual TIPPS Fall Cohort
Thursday 27 October 2022, 10:00am - 11:30am
Hits : 267
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The TIPPS professional learning series supports postsecondary instructors in implementing evidence-based practices that strengthen teaching and learning. Special consideration is given to career and technical education (CTE) instructors entering a career in business and industry. TIPPS is designed to build on educators’ rich prior experiences and teaching competencies. TIPPS offers additional support for practices that are grounded in research, highlighting practical strategies for educators to adapt to their specific content areas. Learn More

Fall 2022: Oct. 27, Nov. 3, Nov. 10, Nov. 17

Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM 

Where: ZOOM

  • The first hour of each session will focus on new content - evidence-based practices to support equitable and effective teaching and learning.
  • The remaining time is open for practical application in the form of collaboration, consultation, and coaching. (Participants can exit as needed.)
  • Facilitated learning sessions can be reinforced by individual or group engagement with the online TIPPS curriculum, however, previewing the online content is not required to attend and participate!
  • We strongly encourage participants to attend all four cohort meetings.

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